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So how much should I charge?

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If I do commissioned work I always ask for at least a 50% deposit unless it is something I can easily sell on. That way I cover basic costs at least and it makes sure the buyer knows what it will cost. Never assume that someone will be ahppy to pay ypour price, especially family and friends who often assume a discount.


Whilst not directly comparable, Pete raises a valid point regarding friends and family expecting discounts, particularly if whatever it is you do for them is the way you earn your living. They are the people who are most aware that the service they want is the way you make your daily crust and should, perhaps, be the ones who are happy to pay. While it's nice to be able to offer them a discount, it can become something of a dilemma.

Twisted Trees:
Before I started turning, I was in the computer business, had to start a £20 a question policy in the pub to have an evening out with my friends without working! Turning, building, computting, any trade has the same issue with friends and family wanting free services.

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
Brian H although I see what you are saying I still believe that quality should be a major part of any craft. I know there are cheap imported goods that can be as good as if not better than some but as craftsmen and craftswomen I think we should strive to produce the best quality item that our individual skills allow, otherwise how will our skills improve?More to the point if we do not do that the quality that is acceptable generally will fall, and that surely is not a good thing.

I agree with John that it should always be a matter of personal pride to produce the best quality work we can irregardless of what it is being sold for. Every time we sort our stock out for a new show something ends up in the wood basket as we realise it isn't good enough. Selling a bowl for £500 at a gallery ( it happens) is possible perhaps if we are 'a name' or it is something very special but it shouldn't be because it is a better quality than the £25 one sold at the church fete.



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