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Post locked ??!!

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Paul Hannaby:
As with any moderator action on here, it is a judgement call based on what is available at the time. Locking a post while further checks are made doesn't seem unreasonable given the circumstances.

Also worth pointing out is that all forum users have signed up to the user agreement, which says "Please note that the decision(s) of the moderating team are final and not open to debate on the finer points of interpretation of the terms."

Wood spinner:

--- Quote from: Paul Hannaby on September 07, 2021, 02:52:16 PM ---As with any moderator action on here, it is a judgement call based on what is available at the time. Locking a post while further checks are made doesn't seem unreasonable given the circumstances.

Also worth pointing out is that all forum users have signed up to the user agreement, which says "Please note that the decision(s) of the moderating team are final and not open to debate on the finer points of interpretation of the terms."

--- End quote ---

I don't agree with this for the reason that has just happened to me , I am 4 days into retirement and did say to you Paul that I could make myself available to the AWGB for AWGB unpaid work , But not now so please strike me off , Ban me  whatever , I can survive without the AWGB

I can't see anything wrong with the original post either, no wonder there is very little activity on this forum anymore. If you can't have a reasonable discussion on here, then not much point of the forum being here. Seems to me admins like the sound of their own voice and a little bit of power too much.
I wonder when this post will get locked now
Like you Woodspinner I can certainly manage without the AWGB

John D Smith:

 Come on Guys calm down and stop being very petty the AWGB do hundreds of good things and they are all Volunteers and put a lot of time in if you look back at the earlier posts you will see I was the one who reported this to the Moderator this was done in good faith we all have to make decisions in life some times we may get it wrong ok it seems some have taken this personal jus stop throwing your toys out of the pram sleep on it and tomorrow you may have a different view.

                                                                Regards to everyone John


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