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Hi, I'm new here & also new to woodturning although I've found that I really love it. I bought myself a lathe after watching loads of videos on the Internet & decided I wanted to try it. I found a place to buy some nice blanks from & inside the back of the shop was a chap that had a turning workshop & he runs courses etc so I had a chat with him & explained that I'm very new to it & he suggested that I start by making bowls which is what I have been doing. I've seen many videos about turning wood with resin but I just can't seem to get it right. Either the resin  is sticky when it should be ready or it doesn't stick to the wood I put in the base so I can attach to the lathe or it has just cracked when I do get it on the lathe and start turning. I bought a vacuum chamber (although since buying I haven't used it as when I went online to find out how to use it, they say a pressure pot is what's needed). When I look for one of these online, they seem to be for paint spraying. I was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers to advise what I need & where I'm going wrong, cheers.

Hi Niall
Welcome to addiction!
In my view you are trying to run in far too many directions before you've mastered the walking process.
Securely attach a multitude of cheap.... or, better still, free.... bits of wood to your lathe before turning them all into pretty shavings. There really is no alternative to collecting experiences and to do that you need to practice, practice and then practice some more. Given that you have a basic set of tools put any idea of further investment on the back burner until you know a little more of where you are wanting to go and something of the intended route.
Where are you based? Perhaps a mentor might come forward with an offer of help.
I'm on the Norfolk coast.... and know nothing about turning resin except that it stinks the  workshop out! Is that any help?
All the best

Twisted Trees:
Resin is a completely different skill / tool set to turning Preasure & Vaccuum pots are needed for some things (preassure for squeezing air bubbles small so they don't show vaccuum seldom needed but for stabalising bad wood before adding resin. )

As Brian said learn to turn first, buy some resin blanks from those who hae mastered it, if you want to turn plastic. Once that is done learn how to make resin do what you want from it as a sepperate skill set. Before combining them

Twisted trees & Brian, thank you both for your replies. I have been doing bowls, bowls & more bowls & I totally agree that I need to practice loads before moving on too fast. Should I stick with bowls or is there anything else I can make that would help me to learn techniques. I did manage to turn one bowl with resin but since then ive not had any luck so I may just have to slow down and put that on the back burner for now. Also, where can you get cheap or free wood from as buying blanks can add up and i seem to spend a fortune when I go to the shop I have found (luckily it's not near where I live or I my wife may put a stop to my new hobby!!), any advice would be welcome, cheers.

 When I have students I start them on spindle work not bowls. Spindle worlk will give you a huge choice of things to make and as for free wood try old furniture, tree surgeons, gardeners, buy wood in plank form not blanks to save money.



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