General Category > General Discussion

club nights

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We have had three club night since reopening, with around two thirds our usual numbers. Have other clubs found a drop in numbers since returning?

Wood spinner:
I don't belong to a club but would think a fair amount of people are still reluctant to go out and about , more so with the rising rates of infections and death at around 100 a day  :(

John D Smith:

 Hi Ron,
            We had our first meeting last month 7th October yes our numbers were down by about 40% we also had the problem that a number of members had not paid their AWGB fees when this was pointed out the usual response was "Oh I didn't know I had to pay how do I do it" when asked did they receive their "Revolutions Magazine" and it was in there "I never Noticed it" was the usual reply.
                              Regards John

We’ve had two meetings so far and yes, numbers are down.

John Peachey:
We've had 3 meetings now. The first, with an on line demo was very low attendance, but the last one really picked up with a good turn out + a number watching from home. The day session was also very well attended.

Hopefully things will continue to pick up, but as has been said earlier rising infection rates may mean people will stay away.



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