Author Topic: Buying advice - Record Power CL1  (Read 1139 times)

Offline Wkmiller79

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Buying advice - Record Power CL1
« on: November 12, 2021, 12:57:01 PM »
Hello all,
I am after a bit of advice on buying my first powered lathe. I went to see a Record Power CL1 that a mate is selling  as he no longer uses it. The lathe is in good condition and has bowl turning attachment as well as a few other extras. He has asked me to make an offer if I am interested but neither of us really know what it is worth. I can't find any of the same model for sale second hand to make a comparison. I am keen not to insult him or short-change myself so any advice on an approximate value would be very useful.
Thanks, Will

Offline julcle

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Re: Buying advice - Record Power CL1
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2021, 01:38:40 PM »
Hi Will, welcome to the forum. There is a CL-1 on ebay at the moment for £275 which in my mind is a bit over priced by todays standards. I don't know much about the CL-1 but it was a good little lathe in it's day, technology however has moved a long way since then with the introduction of variable speed and rotating headstock but of course you have to pay for that. Bare in mind this may be considered a base entry level lathe however it should last a long time. As far as resale value is concerned maybe others will have a better idea but £100-£150 would spring to mind with me. It's a No1 Morse Taper spindle and I think the thread will be 3/4 x 16  so quite old hat and light duty. These are just a few things to consider before parting with cash. Take a few other replies before action.
Best of luck  --  Julian
Location: S. Wales
Crowvalley Woodturners

Offline Bill21

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Re: Buying advice - Record Power CL1
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2021, 02:27:41 PM »
The CL1 was not a bad lathe but pretty old tech by todays standards. I agree with Julian that £275 is way over the top but it’s eBay. I’ve seen plenty of folks pay over the price of new for a used item! I wouldn’t offer more than £150.

Offline BrianH

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Re: Buying advice - Record Power CL1
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2021, 04:14:18 PM »
During my writing career it was explained to me by a well known lathe merchant that the majority of new turner's will change their first lathe... whether it be big, small, new or used.... after 18 months to 2 years. My advice is go for the lathe at the best price you can agree on to get youself started and don't worry too much about the long term. It's surely up to the seller to do his homework not the buyer. As you rightly say the buyer can say no thank you without comeback but the other way round could be problematic.