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Have you seen this ?

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Wood spinner:

Just a heads up re the above , Keep safe  :)

Thanks for posting this. I became aware of the issue after watching a YouTube video but couldn’t find any UK specific advice. I will spread the word.

To be honest I was quite concerned when I first saw one of these in a tool catalogue. A brief picture of someone that had a serious accident with one of these discs was quite shocking.

Twisted Trees:
Saw these at a number of shows a decade or so back, didn't really need a government warning to tell me they were a terrible idea!

Paul Hannaby:
Don't you people ever look at the AWGB website? This was posted on there last July!

Had one of thee as part of a kit I bought years ago. Probably rusty now as never used. A proper sized chainsaw is bad enough this thing is a quick way to get an amputatiion thoiugh no doubt someone somewhere will say they have used it for years with no problem.



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