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Grain Filler

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Paul a bit confused your two posts on this subject appear to contradict each other.

Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: Wooddust on January 31, 2022, 07:49:35 AM ---Paul a bit confused your two posts on this subject appear to contradict each other.

--- End quote ---

No they don't paint or wax require sanding sealer as they sit on top of the wood, stain and oil are the ones that soak in so don't want sanding sealer

Paul Hannaby:
That depends on the paint - some don't need a sanding sealer but where grain fills are concerned, yes, the surface of the wood should be sealed prior to applying the grain filler (whether that's wax, paint or whatever).

OK I am more confused now ???

Paul Hannaby:
Look at it this way - if you are applying a grain filler whether it's wax, paint or anything else the objective is to colour the pores in the wood but not the rest of the surface so you would use a sealer which would allow the excess filler to be removed from the surface without colouring it


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