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trees & woods

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charlie r:
Hello everyone, hope all is safe during these stormy times - here comes another one (Franklin) plenty more off cuts!!

many thanks for your previous replies to the Ash query. I got some short pieces but the guys working on the felling are super quick in getting rid of what's dropped; either by transporting it away or as mentioned in the replies chipped for fuel & new paths. As I'm getting into looking at different woods/timbers/grains to turn & collect from the supply of felled woods (as they have not stopped just yet + Dudley, Eunice & next Franklin),  could I ask a simple but important question please. Can anyone recommend a good tree book for identifying British trees which may also have some overseas trees to ponder over and come up to speed with what's available, grain patterns and learning more about wood generally?

Stay safe


Twisted Trees:
Can't beat the old ones I feel, try The Observer's Book of Trees and Shrubs of the British Isles also a great resource is

Here's another school of thought for you to ponder, Charlie.
Does it matter about the species, grain pattern, etc, etc. If its free, turn it and see.

Tim Pettigrew:
I have been using Trees of Britain & Europe by G.Aas and A Riedmiller, a handy pocket guide published by Collins (Nature Guide). Currently on offer on Amazon at a bargain price of £3.99.  See HERE

charlie r:
Thanks to all for the suggestions - give them a try, someting to read anyway!!


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