Author Topic: Alder? Perhaps!  (Read 882 times)

Offline Les Symonds

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Alder? Perhaps!
« on: March 22, 2022, 01:40:03 PM »
I was given (a few years ago) a four-foot length of trunk, about 18" diameter and ripped through into 4 slabs, and was told that it was blackthorn, which I knew to be impossible. Not only was it too big for blackthorn, but it was far too light-weight and dark in colour. There's loads of pippy-burr throughout the entire circumference of the log. I just turned the first bowl out of it and my guess is alder, but I've only ever worked alder once before. The wood is soft and a nightmare to get a clean finish, so all hand sanded down to 600 grit. Clearly fast growing. Dark apricot colour. Occasionally gave off a sour smell, which I've experienced before when turning wood grown in boggy, marshy conditions.

I'm fairly certain that it's alder, but any other informed suggestions? If there remains any doubt, I'll have to get another slab out of stock and clean up a patch of end grain.

Education is important, but wood turning is importanter.

Offline Duncan A

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Re: Alder? Perhaps!
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2022, 11:59:34 AM »
No idea what it is, but it looks nice!

Offline Wood spinner

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Re: Alder? Perhaps!
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2022, 07:38:44 PM »
I'm not sure either , but it looks lovely  :)