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John D Smith:

 However Expensive you can not buy another pair of Lungs Regards John

I also use a Record Power AC400 Air Filter in my shed.

chunkey monkey:
I will also look at the camvac twin motor ,have any of you gone this route ?

Wood spinner:

--- Quote from: chunkey monkey on May 22, 2022, 08:58:24 AM ---Can anyone recommend a half decent dust extractor , I have one that is like a jet engine when you switch it on,  I have a Shepach unit!
My lathe room is about 8ft square so the unit would be outside the room,  what setups do you guys have that you are happy with.

--- End quote ---

This one looks good , Good filtering and a noise reducing acoustic hood,7024.0.html

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
One of the best methods to combat dust in the workshop is not to make as much dust in the first place. Yes all of our work needs to be sanded but try to improve your tooling skills so that you don't have to use so much abrasion. When you do need to extract dust try to extract it as close to the source as possible. This will reduce the amount of dust in the air.


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