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Seemingly impossible spindle adapter

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Adapters aren’t an ideal solution as you can get a little runout. I’ve even had this on a standard chuck insert. As a result I will only buy direct threaded chucks or those with a backplate. Some adapters also leave the chuck sticking out from the bearings a bit too far in my opinion.

That’s a good point actually. If you have a faceplate that fits perhaps it can be machined to fit something like this?

Just a thought.

Wolds dweller:
Brilliant thank you guys, there's a few options to contemplate there! I've discovered one has an insert, the correct threading isn't listed on any sellers website but an email to the company has confirmed it is available so I'll start off with that and see how it goes. Thanks again!

Once it’s up and running please let us know what solution you used and how it’s working out as it may help others in future.  ;)


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