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The Bowler Hatted Turner:
Hi All,
        we are looking for turners that can give a good demonstration to our club in Trowbridge. Preferably within driving distance so that we do not have to pay hotel fees. Please let me know either through this forum or via email
We meet the second Thursday of each month from 7 to 9(ish) pm. Demonstrators from nearby clubs would also be welcome.
Many thanks

David Buskell:

I think all clubs are now in the same boat, Cheam certainly has this issue as well.

I decided to email all Chairman in the SE Region and see if we could get some new names or volunteers from their own clubs. I have to say we received a reasonable response, resulting in a couple of professionals new to us and some other club's members volunteering to visit us.

We are  just waiting for the Pole Lathe turners to come back to us and we have a reasonable program for 2023.

I can suggest Colin Simpson, who I think is just over the Devon border. Might be too far for travelling but worth a try. Colin used to be one of our members and also Editor of Woodturning. He does a good demo.


Twisted Trees:
I take it you have taken a look at

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
Thanks for your replies.


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