General Category > General Discussion

A bit of controversy

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John D Smith:
 Hi Bill 21,
              If all your members were AWGB Members they would get a paper copy or a electronic copy every three Months

                                                      Regards John Smith
 Bill further to the above if you go into the AWGB web site front page click on heading read then scroll down to Revolutions Archive and you can see copies of Revolutions.   
 Sorry bill I have just looked at this and I dont think it is up to Date but you can contact the Secretary and get an Electronic copy of every future copy sent to you.

John Peachey:
Hi John,

The Archive should be twelve months behind, so that the newsletter remains a benefit for the members. Saying that it does look as though the 2021 files are missing, will put that on the to do list.

Please don't email the secretary, as he has nothing to do with Revs distribution - please email the datamanager (me) and I will sort out. Please be aware the file is large.

John Peachey

It’s club night in a few days, I’ll see if I can get a copy of the magazine.

Paul Hannaby:

--- Quote from: The Bowler Hatted Turner on December 10, 2022, 09:16:46 PM ---So from what you have said Paul if there is a problem at one club (and I hasten to add there is no problem at my club)but if there were and the club committee ended up being sued for whatever reason would the AWGB pick up the bill and safeguard my house?

--- End quote ---

No, nothing I have said infers that the AWGB offers any protection to club officers and I don't speak on behalf of the AWGB - just my opinion of how it works. Each club is a separate legal entity and its committee is responsible for it's own affairs.

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
So why has this controversial subject been raised again in Revolutions, all it will do is serve to worry serving and potential committee members. I still think this needs to be sorted once and for all. We must have some members with legal qualifications that can clarify it.


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