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Band sawing Green native hard wood for bowl blanks

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I have returned to turning after many years and have bought a 14"table, 8"depth of cut bandsaw.  It is 1.5 hp belt driven.  I have a 6mm 3tpi blade from Tuff Tools but it can't handle anything much over 2".
I am running at 440 speed, the other speed is 900.
Has anyone any comments re blade, speed or suggestions of what I may try. 
I have a huge stack of wood to convert and seal and am having to use chainsaw for preparation.  Any advise will be most appreciated.

I’m guessing you mean Tuffsaws? If so give Ian a call and ask him for advice. He’s normally very helpful. Is the blade is getting clogged?

For wood try using the higher speed, the lower speed is for aluminium and plastic / perspex.

Duncan A:
Sounds like the blade is binding in wet wood as there's not enough set on the blade teeth.
Ian at Tuffsaws has blades with extra set for just this purpose so I suggest you look on his website,, then write to him for advice - better than phoning as he's very busy, and he will reply.
A 6mm blade sounds too small to me, and, as previously mentioned, you should be using the higher speed for wood.

Thanks for your prompt advise all.  Actually I sought advise from Tuffsaws before purchasing the blades, I ordered two and am just about to order a 19mm 3tpi for taking the corners off. There is a good set on the blades I'm using.
I'll post again when I have tested at the faster speed.


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