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French Polishers Handbook

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Bryan Milham:
I've come by a very old book (certainly pre 1921) called 'The French Polishers Handbook'. Now maybe not many of us are that interested in French Polishing (maybe I'm wrong) but it also includes lots of old recipes for making stains and colouring woods as well as different finishes used in the days of yore.

I've scanned it and am looking to offer copies of the scans to anyone that would like them (I'm sure it's out of copyright) so the the information is shared and not lost.

Before you say yes please be aware it's 26 images and over 40Mb to send.

Any takers?

could be very useful, I wouldnt mind a copy if still doing it.

Bryan Milham:

I'll pick up on this this evening (07:50 currently) and get your e-mail address from your profile and send them. Please to be able to share and save the knowledge.



--- Quote from: dr4g0nfly on July 11, 2012, 08:37:57 PM ---I've come by a very old book (certainly pre 1921) called 'The French Polishers Handbook'. Now maybe not many of us are that interested in French Polishing (maybe I'm wrong) but it also includes lots of old recipes for making stains and colouring woods as well as different finishes used in the days of yore.

I've scanned it and am looking to offer copies of the scans to anyone that would like them (I'm sure it's out of copyright) so the the information is shared and not lost.

Before you say yes please be aware it's 26 images and over 40Mb to send.

Any takers?

--- End quote ---
Yes please. I am not a regular French polisher but use it on some of my work and I always find old recipes and methods interesting. I assume you can get my details from the profiles.
Thanks, Paul

Dave Atkinson:
Hello Bryan

I'd like a copy as well.  If I create a folder in my dropbox can you accept and then copy it into that.  It is a very useful way of sending large files around.

My email is on the AWGB contact page - drop me a line please

Cheers Dave


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