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Charnwood W850 LCD display issues

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--- Quote from: David Buskell on April 01, 2023, 03:17:57 PM ---I wonder if those would work with a VB36?? Would be interested to know if anyone has and if so, how they got on

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Provided there’s space for the components I don’t see why not.

Paul Hannaby:

--- Quote from: griffdm on April 01, 2023, 12:02:06 PM ---Hi all,
Wonder if anyone may be able to help, the digital display on my lathe just sits at 0000, i have checked the sensor (though not with a mulitmeter) would anyone know where i can get spare parts for the lathe?

Possibly a replacement LCD or sensor


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The sensor is either hall effect (magnet) or optical (usually a shiny piece of tape). If the tape type, check the tape on the spindle is clean and with either type, check the alignment of the sensor and the magnet or tape on the spindle. also with the hall effect types, check the sensor isn't too far away from the magnet.


The sensor is either hall effect (magnet) or optical (usually a shiny piece of tape). If the tape type, check the tape on the spindle is clean and with either type, check the alignment of the sensor and the magnet or tape on the spindle. also with the hall effect types, check the sensor isn't too far away from the magnet.

Hi Paul, mine is an optical sensor, I've tried moving it closer, it ia a small black sensor and a disc with slots cut out moves between it. I'll have to get a multimeter on it to see if there is any voltage



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