General Category > General Discussion

Reminder AWGB AGM Sunday


John Peachey:

Hi All,
Just a reminder to anyone lurking in the Stratford area on Sunday that it's the AGM. Please come along and have your say (or just come for the buffet!
The meeting is in  The Runway, Room Foundation House, Masons Rd, Stratford Upon Avon CV37 9NF

Branch meeting from 10.00
AGM from 13.00

Look forward to meeting yo.


The Bowler Hatted Turner:
I have always enjoyed these meetings, over the years it has allowed me to buy pre-owned tools at knock down prices and some really decent timber. I would urge any one that can to attend at least one time.
 Sadly due to ill health at the moment I will not be able to attend this year.


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