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AWGB Poor Forum support

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Forums may end up going the way blogs did several years ago (if not more). I used to follow a dozen exceptionally good blogs written by very knowledgable turners and woodworkers, but they stopped using them a good while ago in favour of things like Instagram.

Facebook is somewhere I’ve never been mad keen on, and people are right, some of the advice is borderline dangerous, but, having had a look around Facebook Marketplace, I must admit I’m surprised eBay is still in business. I’ll probably never need to go to a proper timber yard ever again. Forums were fantastic when that was all that was available, but if the younger generation are going to be attracted to woodturning, they’ll look at this place in the same way we’d look at the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
I must admit to stepping back slightly as in the past when making comments on facebook I have come in for a lot of stick. I try to be truthful and helpful but sometimes when some one posts a picture of their work all they want to hear is "well done, what a beautiful piece" when in actual fact quite a lot of the work on the internet is poorly designed, poorly turned and poorly finished. Now I daresay I will get it in the neck again for saying that.

Mike Amphlett:
One thing I don't like about the forum is that when you click on a thread you have to wade through all post to get to the latest one, unlike the AAW forum which takes you to the latest postings. I have also found that it doesn't update that there are new postings even after you have read them until you leave the forum and return.

John Peachey:

--- Quote from: The Bowler Hatted Turner on June 25, 2023, 04:51:37 PM ---I must admit to stepping back slightly as in the past when making comments on facebook I have come in for a lot of stick. I try to be truthful and helpful but sometimes when some one posts a picture of their work all they want to hear is "well done, what a beautiful piece" when in actual fact quite a lot of the work on the internet is poorly designed, poorly turned and poorly finished. Now I daresay I will get it in the neck again for saying that.

--- End quote ---

I quite agree people are more thin skinned now. However if people don't want to hear that there is something not quite right then they shouldn't publish and ask for comments. Obviously you can just say that the piece is crap, but if you spot a flaw, poor finishing say, then it's right to point it out. If we don't then no-one learns and we start heading for the basement in quality, which does no-one any good. I was in a local craft shop recently and looking at the turned items. Some of which I would have been embarrassed to let out of my workshop. Due to poor sanding/ finishing.

The trouble is everyone seems to want instant gratification. Spend an hour turning, then 10 minutes sanding and finishing, and off the lathe whether or not it still needs more work.

I sometimes wonder whether it is only turners that have the critical eye for say sanding marks, the general public just see a bowl and don't seem bothered by sand/tool marks. It's a nit like only turners turn an object over to see how the bottom was finished.

Any way I think I might go and enjoy a light libation under the apple tree.

Paul Hannaby:

--- Quote from: Mike Amphlett on June 25, 2023, 06:32:42 PM ---One thing I don't like about the forum is that when you click on a thread you have to wade through all post to get to the latest one, unlike the AAW forum which takes you to the latest postings. I have also found that it doesn't update that there are new postings even after you have read them until you leave the forum and return.

--- End quote ---

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