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AWGB Poor Forum support

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Paul Hannaby:
A while back the AWGB was running a monthly online competition with prizes donated by some of the traders. The number of entries was so low the competition just fizzled out.


--- Quote from: Paul Hannaby on July 03, 2023, 04:08:34 PM ---A while back the AWGB was running a monthly online competition with prizes donated by some of the traders. The number of entries was so low the competition just fizzled out.

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Having other hobbies I have never been a prolific wood turner. I do try to enter my local club competitions but I’m often not able to. At this moment in time I have so much rubbish and other stuff in my shed I can barely get in there, let alone do any work.

John Peachey:

--- Quote from: Michael Beswick on June 30, 2023, 03:48:47 PM ---I am a relatively new member to this forum but have been on classic car forums for over 20 years. The problems are similar as I suspect is the demographic.

I viewed this forum a few times but each time it was clear it was not particularly well supported: the latest post is often a couple of days old. I went over to the AAW forum which is frankly far more rewarding.

Part of the problem is that one has to make an effort to view a(ny) forum, whereas social media is designed to hook you in (and basically flog you stuff to make FB YT etc money). So unless the AWGB see the forum as a way to either generate new members and/or new revenue there’s not much incentive to spend money trying to outdo the experts. In addition a forum is “for the members, by the members”, with hopefully control limited to preventing people being unpleasant!

A related thread bemoans the number of forum members versus the number actually posting. This is perhaps revealing, partly for the reasons I suggest above and partly because what they have seen does not interest them enough to want to post.

In effect the forum needs to become more attractive. By that I mean the content: simply making it whizzier is unlikely, in my view, to encourage those most likely to use it. It also needs to be sufficiently interesting to hook people so they visit more regularly.

Lifting some ideas from the US site might be helpful. A monthly competition with a basic theme and simple “rules” might encourage people to show off their efforts; perhaps with a link to “how to photograph your work” and so on. (My apologies is this in existence but I’ve not found it)

From the Classic car site- What I have done today / have on my lathe at the moment. What kit I’ve bought / considering buying. Clearly the existing categories may get a bit blurred: there’s a balance between everything in together and so many categories that people turn off.

It will also need a good shove from well known committed members with an understanding of a point made earlier. As an experienced turner you had heard the (newby) question a thousand times: for the newby it’s a first. (Most people don’t search before posting!)  To the extent of “creating” threads simply to promote the forum.

Forums evolve to meet the needs of the users, as it should, and does so for existing committed users. But the questions was asked.....

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The problem with competitions is that someone has to organise and run them, and unfortunately many of the current committee are run off their feet with the day to day running of AWGB. As Paul H. knows a great deal of time is spent on stuff not immediately obvious to members. Last week as an example as membership Sec., I spent approx 12 1/2 hours doing AWGB work. That doesn't leave a lot of spare time for other things.

Also it should be borne in mind when looking at what happens on American sites, that they are run with a mix of volunteer and paid employees.

Russell does put out a regular request for additional volunteers, and receives very little (if any) response. We would like more help in the running of the Association even if not as a full committee member.

From past experience forums (and before that newsgroups) were always frequented by far more readers than active participants, now of course there can be a delay before your question is answered on the forum, whereas you will immediate responses on social media, which may or may not be right or safe.



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