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AWGB Poor Forum support

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I'm on a welding forum and it's lively on there. It's not just restricted to welding, anything metalworking goes, even a bit of 'woodbothering'! There is also not much 'MY way or the highway' Which I admit stops me posting questions on here.
           Bill21, How are newbies suppose to learn if they don't ask the simple questions?

Les Symonds:

--- Quote from: Bill21 on April 30, 2023, 10:46:07 AM ---This has to be one of the most poorly supported wood turning forums I’ve seen on the Internet.
Is there a reason for this I’m not aware of?

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One other consideration, Bill21, is the gaining popularity of relevant tuition. This is an aspect of learning which is currently extremely popular and I know from experience tbat students attending my courses arrive with a host of questions that they want answered. It could be possible that before tuition was so freely available, those questions made it onto fora such as this, but no longer do so in any great quantity.


Twisted Trees:
Yes this form of web interaction is slowly being moved back for new forms, however any serious question that I have seen asked here has elicited an answer or several, what is often missing here and on more modern social media is the details that make the difference , those often need to be drawn out in conversation so a club night or tuition session is a far better place to seek the answer.


--- Quote from: Bourbon25 on April 30, 2023, 09:23:28 PM ---I'm on a welding forum and it's lively on there. It's not just restricted to welding, anything metalworking goes, even a bit of 'woodbothering'! There is also not much 'MY way or the highway' Which I admit stops me posting questions on here.
           Bill21, How are newbies suppose to learn if they don't ask the simple questions?

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Actually I’m on a couple of Engineering Forums and they get lots of new posts every day.

As for newbies, yes we all need to seek advice when first starting out but many seem to take up woodturning without doing any research at all before spending their money. An obvious example that comes up quite often is some buy an old lathe and then find there aren’t any chucks available to fit it. A little research beforehand would have exposed the problem. Another issue I’ve seen on Social media is that some newcomers having made a mistake still intend to go down a particular path in spite of more experienced turners trying to give them helpful advice.

Wood spinner:
I think it's down to so many options on the web now , The choice for forums and groups is very high.


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