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--- Quote from: David Buskell on June 27, 2023, 10:18:08 AM ---You would think it would be an easy job for Admin to delete all the zero activity accounts but I guess the powers that be really haven't considered clearing out the "bones".

--- End quote ---


There is absolutely no benefit to AWGB or any users to put effort into tidying that which does not need tidying.  What harm does a long list do?  What matters is managing the posters and their posts, not the posts not posted or the posters not posting.

(I don't think its helpful to refer to any admins or committee members as "The powers that be".  It's a pejorative term.  They are volunteer AWGB members, of us but not apart from us.)

I agree Les, lots of interest on social media for wood turning. There were however lots of folks that bought lathes during Covid and are now too busy or decided it’s not for them. This caused a blip in sales of turning equipment.

Paul Hannaby:
When I was the forum administrator, I used to periodically purge unused accounts. It only took a minute but nobody ever noticed so I agree, nothing is gained by doing it.

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
I am as guilty as the rest for not posting more often, I used to all the time but with various changes to my life this has not happened as much. But I would say that some members just like to lurk and not post pictures or comments and I think that we should be grateful that they can without feeling guilty. As a professional turner I can tell you that some turners when they are learning do not wish to tell others of their (perceived) failures in the world of turning, possibly hoping that their first post might be as an accomplished turner, so for me I am happy with that always knowing that some of the nuggets of information I did share along the way might have been of use to some as indeed as some of the nuggets that I have read about have been of use to me. Just because they are not posting does not mean that they are not there.


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