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Congratulations to John Boyne-Aitken


Dave Brookes:
Many congratulations to John on receiving the British Empire Medal for his services to heritage crafts.

Dave Brookes

John D Smith:
 Yes Congratulations to John ( BHT ) on your award of the BEM in  the New Years Honours also may your health continue to improve in 2024 my Best Wishes John Smith 

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
Thankyou very much. Honoured to be awarded the BEM for services to Heritage crafts. For those that do not know, following a cancer diagnosis in October I had major surgery 2 weeks before Christmas to remove it. It started oput as keyhole surgery but in the end they cut me open in the lower abdomen. So although the cancer has now been removed I am now having to take things easy until my core muscles start working again.
I am hoping to make it back down to the workshop at the end of this month. (January).
Thanks to everyone that sent me goodwill messages, I really do appreciate it but I have had so many that I cannot reply to each one.
 I will still meet my demonstration commitments this year but at the moment I cannot lift anything too heavy. I will have to see how this year goes before I commit to demoing next year. But I am certainly not hanging up my chisels just yet! ;D

Wood spinner:
Good to hear about your award and improving health , Keep going. :)


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