Author Topic: Walnut For Sale  (Read 235 times)

Offline Duncan A

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Walnut For Sale
« on: June 21, 2024, 02:55:20 PM »
This is on behalf of someone else, but please contact me initially if you are interested in buying these pieces from a large walnut tree in Northampton that was cut down in March.

Some of the rounds have gone, but the longer, heavier pieces still remain, as does the large stump. All in Northampton.

The stump in particular should have some interesting wood in it and the man in the picture indicates how large it is. Lifting gear will be needed or a large chainsaw on site.

He is not looking for a great deal of money; just wants to make a bit of cash for the local community.


« Last Edit: June 21, 2024, 03:53:23 PM by Duncan A »

Offline Wood spinner

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Re: Walnut For Sale
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2024, 10:34:38 AM »
Would it not be easier to put a price on this ? to save loads of questions , Just a thought. It would cost me about £60 in fuel to collect if I was interested , Difficult to say if I am as I dont know the price. If it's all good usable timber it should go.

Offline Duncan A

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Re: Walnut For Sale
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2024, 12:01:41 PM »
As I said, I'm not the seller, and some of the smaller pieces have already been sold.
The principal difficulty is the stump which will have to be cut up on site or picked up by crane.
For a number of reasons I'm not getting too involved and the seller does not have a "woody" background so I was trying to help find solutions.
There is a story of malfeasance behind this and the local community are simply trying to salvage something from a wrong perpetrated against them.
Offers or requests to see the wood in person are welcome.

Offline Wood spinner

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Re: Walnut For Sale
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2024, 07:33:08 PM »
OK thats me out then