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good morning

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Francesco Dibari:
Good morning everyone
I wanted to introduce myself and hopefully the right section
I am a italian wood turner , I wish you all good chips   :) .. and  hope you will excuse me for my bad English ..  :'(


Welcome to the forum Francesco.

Your English is very Good. We look forward to seeing your work posted.

Cheers  David

Francesco Dibari:

--- Quote from: woodndesign on August 01, 2012, 10:49:40 PM ---
Welcome to the forum Francesco.

Your English is very Good. We look forward to seeing your work posted.

Cheers  David

--- End quote ---

many thanks David ..  :)

Dave Atkinson:
Hi Francesco

Welcome to the forum.

It's a friendly place

Cheers Dave

Turners cabin:
Hi Francesco

Welcome to the forum.
and your english is better than most english men


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