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Piercing bits

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Paul Hannaby:
Hi Luke,
There are some on ebay, search for item no. 140271683808 or just search for dental burrs. Not all the burrs in these sets are suitable for piercing wood but at least a few of them are around the right size.


What shank diameter are you after?

If it is the 3.2mm (dremmel etc) then there are loads of all qualities on ebay.

If it is the 1.6mm dental drill style then the best place I have found is Roots Vet Dental - the names says it all.  Google them they have a web site and are very helpful.  Only downside is they cannot take cards so you have to post them a cheque and they send the stuff by return.

Let us know how you get on!


Martin Lawrence:
  I agree with Simon, but remember the dental bits are designed to work at over 300,00 rpm not very good in a Dremmel.  Roots Dental and yes the family name is Mr Root are very helpful.

Cheers Martin.


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