General Category > General Discussion

how do we take wood turning i to the future

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Dave Atkinson:
Hi guys

There is already an associuated club near Lincoln called Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners -

It's just north of Sleaford and about 15 miles south of Lincoln.

Cheers Atco

PS I'm sorry - I've gone off the subject!

John D Smith:
Hi Andy, I have said it before but I am going to say it again and know doubt I will in the Future Congratulations to you and all of the Committee of the AWGB for the Stirling work you all carry out we the Members should be indebted to you all.Thank You.
The small number of members who read the postings on this Forum do know what is going on but the majority do not know what goes on on their behalf.I would like to see some of these postings printed in "Revolutions" maybe in a different format but at least these are distributed to all members 
    What do you and other members think?
                                                            Regards John


--- Quote from: Dave Atkinson on August 22, 2012, 10:13:12 PM ---Hi guys

There is already an associuated club near Lincoln called Lincolnshire Association of Woodturners -

It's just north of Sleaford and about 15 miles south of Lincoln.

Cheers Atco

PS I'm sorry - I've gone off the subject!

--- End quote ---

That is to far away from me I live in Nottinghamshire and as I am 70 and disabled I cant drive that far
I to am sorry  I've gone off the subject!


--- Quote from: John D Smith on August 22, 2012, 10:35:35 PM ---
The small number of members who read the postings on this Forum do know what is going on but the majority do not know what goes on on their behalf.I would like to see some of these postings printed in "Revolutions" maybe in a different format but at least these are distributed to all members 
 What do you and other members think?
                                                            Regards John

--- End quote ---

Very good comment, and it shouldn't take any extra time to lift part of some of the posts, would it.


Lionel Pringle:
I have been reading these posts, and the Facebook / Twitter offerings, with great interest over the past week or so and I do agree that the views expressed deserve a much wider audience amongst the membership. I am more than happy to attempt to pull all these threads together to make some sort of article for Revs as long as all contributors are happy to have their views published. It is always debatable as to whether they will be read by the majority, but that is another issue. The views, and actions, that have been expounded in these posts are very heartening and make one feel very positive. An even more positive outcome would be a flurry of positive responses to the advert on page two of the new issue of Revs which will be landing on your doormat any moment. Now there IS a challenge.


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