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Where do the ideas come from?

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Andy Coates:
Nearly forgot!

I had some spare time today, so VERY quickly produced this as a basic example of a notabowl...

10" ash bowl blank (no feather in this one so it was expendable), oak carbuncle, 24ct gold leaf, silver leaf, re-styled 3 1/16" copper brake pipe, spirit stains and laquer, copper worked with heat (in the open fire), hammer, micro grinding tools and files, and flamed to effect colour change.

The inspiration was from a tribal headress from (I think) Sri Lanka

Well thankyou all for your input into this thread, hopefully it will give me some inspiration, it has certainly given me a small insight into the way some of you think about designs. I am still playing with the gold leaf and getting mixed results which are improving. I think I shall start incorporating this much more into pieces. (not newel posts) I also have a shed full of timber that needs to be converted soon so will look deeper and see what I can come up with. Perhaps I should leave the lid off of the sanding sealer pot for a while and see what happens! although I seem to remember doing that 20 years  ago, maybe that's my problem!! :-[

Well, everything seems to have been said already but I've got to have my twopennorth so here goes.
When you look in the magazine and hear yourself saying 'Wow, look at that' (whether you're thinking its crap or genius) do you then look at it some more intent on finding something you DO like about the crap piece and vice versa with the genius? Nothing can possibly be all bad or all good, can it?
I think going through this questionably crazy routine helps us to open our minds and actually see what we think is good and what we just don't. All these ideas are then, with no effort whatsoever, laid down within the brain before re-appearing, mixed with others and probably in a very different vein, and a 'new' design idea is born ......................Perhaps ::)

Martin Lawrence:
Hi John,

 I too was of a mind set that I can not have any original ides, but I was fortunate to spend a day with Philip Streeting and listen to thought processes and he explains above once someone helps you open the door to your mind you will be amazed at what come out and also what goes in from every day tings you see around you, once pointed in the right direction the every day things you see at the moment will be seen in a different light and provoke thought processes and idea's. If your club does not have anyone of this mind set then invite a demonstrator who does and ask them to make the demo/talk about this very subject, it is not something you can convey fully via a forum.

Cheers Martin.

I love the idea within your last paragraph Phil. I would love to attend something like that.


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