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AWGB Seminar 2011 DVD

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Andy Coates:
Facebook page now open...

David Buskell:
We've tried that  - doesn't work for us but we do find people take the time out to check out weblinks we put in our e-shots. Check our website http://www, for examples of the e-shots.

yes, agree, it's best to be there in person but let's get the message out to a wider audience using the tools now at our disposal. 70 or so clubs or 3000 members plus more -  a no brainer.

John D Smith:
Regarding the DVD I received the Club copy looked at it downloaded it I will now pass this on to the Club Librarian and everyone can do the same I will also try to get a member to produce a few copies to pass around. Regards John

David Buskell:
Great - will "like" the Facebook page tomorrow.

The Youtube link takes you to the 2007 seminar video.
We;ll include the link to the 2011 images in our next e-shot due out in about 3 weeks time and make a mention of the DVD.

I totally agree with the time taken to update the SM outlets - you can do nothing else but that all day/evening. You should see how many SM outlets we have in the music business - far too many!

It seems the key points of reference now are Youtube and Google so perhaps concentrate on them first. Twitter, Linked In, Facebook and the others can follow.  We do have an active woodturning group on LinkedIN and I think Facebook has a large woodturning population. (Only reminded about Facebook when I had to update my page today!).

I hope this all helps and keep up the good work!

Andy Coates:
I know about LinkedIn, David...I'm a member of your group!!!!


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