Author Topic: A sad duty  (Read 2143 times)

Offline Bryan Milham

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A sad duty
« on: September 22, 2012, 07:26:38 PM »
The picture below may seem strange, 6 bits of wood. 

Because of who I was, where I work, and other factors, I seem to have become the de-facto turner of these. They are called 'Beckets' and are the bung that is placed in the top of a polished brass shell-case from the Army's 105mm Lt Gun.

Sometimes they (and the shell) are give as a leaving gift, it would be engraved with name dates and other such stuff - they are the good ones.

More lately I get to turn the sad ones, these six (in their shells) are are be give to the families of the 6 soldiers we lost in Afghanistan last week.

I would not normally post these, but I needed to share this as I'd been alone with my thoughts all afternoon while making them. One or two is sad enough but six was too much.

No comments needed, please just give a thought to the young men and ladies - hero's all, far from home doing their duty. And those few that do not come home again whole or otherwise.

Thank you.
Oh Lord, Lead me not into temptation…

...Oh who am I kidding, follow me, I know a shortcut!


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Re: A sad duty
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2012, 10:22:54 PM »