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Gallery photos

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John D Smith:
Yes a good idea every photo I have posted I have reduced the Quality but I may have the Originals.

                                                       Regards John

Yep, sounds a very good idea, it's possible more hand round and read Revolutions than may do so on the Forum.

For me at this point in time it's more as too where the picture files are ...  ??? ...  WHY ...  can you never find them ..  >:( ..


Great idea, can anyone say what the ideal resolution for photos is .

Andy Coates:

Bryan Milham:
I'm in for it. It might even get a few more AWGB members into this medium (well hopefully).

As for what resolution, as Lionel says he'd need the original camera file (whatever size that is and I'm assuming .jpg not .raw), and the the package used will reduce it to a printable dpi.

MS Word uses 200 dpi but desktop publishing software all vary to some extent.


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