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David Buskell:
Nice idea about the petition -can we spread the news about this wider than the AWGB Forum?? The more signatures the better.

Now there's concern for Plane, Oak and Pine as well as Ash.

I put the link on two Facebook pages and in a couple of forums and people are signing already. If any of you use Facebook or perhaps Twitter then I'd recommend putting this up as it is amazing how many people it reaches that way. Whilst I agree with Mark wholeheartedly and have his rather jaundiced view of politicians in general I think if we can get enough people to shout and get over the usual British lethargy we could possibly get some changes.


David Buskell:
Just signed the petition this  morning. Only 26 signatures so far.

Moderators - can we have all the threads on this topic merged into one as easy to miss key info.


ken rodgers:
Just checked the e- petition web site  - only 82 have signed to date  :( ???

Bryan Milham:
Sorry about that, meant to; forgot to; but have now.


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