Author Topic: training coruses  (Read 3096 times)


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training coruses
« on: May 05, 2011, 09:55:15 AM »
hi all does any one of any training courses  in gravesend  or in kent  that  have a funding scheme in place  i have been looking at collages and and places but there is not one course  that have funding to help ppl like me and  no collage or  adult ed  do not do any wood turning course at all   i so would like to do this  and i have seen one course but they can not help as im disabled any advice would be great thank you for all your help

Andy Coates

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Re: training coruses
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2011, 04:44:51 PM »
Hello Peta,

I'm sure we've been here before, but just the same...

As you'll know in recent months many organisations have had funding stopped or else cut. I wouldn't hold out much hope of finding fully funded courses at present, even if you can find a place where suitable training is offered.

Your disabilities present a number of potential HS problems for organisations, and despite access for all the realities of a disabled student in a workshop environment probably have administrators quaking in their boots.

I would imagine you'd be better contacting your local disabilty group and asking for advice there. They are far better qualified to answer specific questions regarding grants and funding for disabled people, and they may have access to course information which is not known to the wider world.

I do remember that a long time ago now we arranged for a representative from the Kent club to visit you and invite you to the club...did you pursue this avenue, and if so are you still a member?

Offline Philip Green

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Re: training coruses
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2011, 05:42:07 PM »
I belong to two clubs here in Cornwall: one that uses somebody elses workshop with limited space so cannot cater for wheelchairs and the other that has club premises for their sole use so is able to have a permenant set up including a lathe adjusted for wheelchair access.

I know this is not directly relevent to you but you may find that if one club in your area is unable to help you, another may.

I have not been turning long myself but in my limited experience, the standard of training available at a good club is every bit as good as that available on a "paid for" training course. It could be argued that it is actually better since the pace is set by our own capabilities so we are able to achieve steady progress rather than covering everying in a couple of days and then having to remember it all.
Philip from sunny St Issey