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Selling your goods - Taking payment

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Now that is very slick and real handy.

Andy Coates:

there's a new, almost identical service to iZettle here:

same % rate but a FREE reader.

iZettle have also just launched a chip & pin reader, £50, instead of the chip & sig version which Sumup offer free as opposed to iZettle's £20.

I imagine the service is just the same but cannot guarantee.


Bryan Milham:

--- Quote from: Andy Coates on November 07, 2012, 01:30:10 PM ---One slightly worrying thing...they check you out using "external sources" before accepting the application (only took a minute or so) with who and how are they able to do this? Makes you wonder what's available to these big companies!

--- End quote ---

Especially on a Saturday!

David Buskell:
There's also a new Pappal system called PayPal Here which uses a card reader. Only a few sketchy details from an article in one of the red-tops of all places, earlier this week -  must thank my son for sending it to me.

David Buskell:
Here's the link mentioned in my post above:

Subject: We’re happy to accept debit cards thanks to new payment gadget | The Sun |News


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