General Category > General Discussion

What would member like to talk about

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Philip Green:
I have just had a quick look at our members list and it looks like about 40% of our members have joined in the past month. Most of these have yet to post which might account for their lack of visibility.

Hi Andy, 

True, the forum is open to any one who has an interest in not just only woodturning ( the Worshipful Company of Turner are not all Turners ) or in becoming a turner, so we haven't aimed just at current members or the AWGB, as we've found before we have readers outside of the UK, it has only been hoped more would comment, ( this is not a ROM ) yes, given time more will join, given the site is of interest, we shouldn't hope to run, before we can walk, the more we get to join, the  more we'll have who could answer questions, one outstanding at the moment, is casting pewter, an area I'm unable to help in...   :-[ ..
As for ideas or as asked by Philip, "would like to taik about", we wait not only to hear, but to see interest.


PS, Thank you Statsman for commenting on this question.

Hi Philip,
            in answer to your questionI will talk about our club meeting tonight. We had 5 lathes on the go and more grinders and sharpening equipment than I can remember,and tonight we just looked at skew chisels.We broke into small groups and just oozed from one lathe to the other stopping at each sharpening station on the way. Different grinds were shown and tried aswell as chisels. I think it true that we all came away having learnt something or seen something new. The atmosphere was buzzing with the information exchange. Woodturning doesn't get better than this!


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