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Martin Lawrence:

  Can anyone suggest which is the best adhesive to use to set threaded steel bar into African Blackwood so far Araldite and Super Glue have failed to give strong enough bond.

Any suggestions will be appreciated

Cheers Martin

ken rodgers:
Hi Martin,
Loctite manufacture a large range of adhesives  and have a technical department to which you can email for advice.
The site is
Hope this is of help?

Thread lock is a blue glue to lock metal threads and nuts so I don't know if that will work 

You could always try threading the holes the bar is going into propr to gluing. This would strengthen the joint immensely.

Bryan Milham:

I use araldite original (24 hr setting time) and threaded bar for walking sticks (to affix the handle). If your having a problem I'd suggest that you are trying to set your bar into a shallow hole and therefore not getting enough grip area.

To do what you want will have to be an epoxy glue/resin.

Can you give us a better clue as to size of bar, depth of hole, what it is you want on the other end size/weight?


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