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Websites, Videos & other sources of interest / Re: video and Dublin Demo
« Last post by Paul Hannaby on April 29, 2024, 02:39:58 PM »
Good luck with the demo and safe travels. It's a bit far for me so I won't be there!
I watched your video a few days ago, I might have a go at that some time :)
Websites, Videos & other sources of interest / video and Dublin Demo
« Last post by Ronald Kanne. on April 29, 2024, 10:38:22 AM »
Hi All,

coming Saturday (may 4th) I will be demonstrating at the Dublin Woodturners... So if anybody wants to drop by please do so! Contact Pat Walsh ( if you want to be there.
I will be demonstrating the whole day and doing several things, Including making and explaning about the self closing hollow form. (I did a small tour with this self closing hollow form thrue Northern England in 2017)
And Lies and I  made a video about it:
this is the video:

For Sale / Wanted / Re: Poolewood euro 2000 manual
« Last post by Les Symonds on April 27, 2024, 07:04:28 AM »
Hi folks has any body got a manual for a euro 2000 lathe
Her who must be obeyed has put mine in a safe place
Thanks in advance mick d

Contact Tony at ... he has a vast range of manuals and spares for old lathes.
Tool tips & reviews / Re: Nelson Chisels
« Last post by Twisted Trees on April 26, 2024, 08:41:29 PM »
They are a fairly standard cheap set of tools but will get you started in fact some of them you will not get round to replacing for 20 years or so.

The angle will be whatever you like to use but as a starting point

Left to right right 45° 45° 25° 25° 80° not sure, hate these and don't use them. 25° 45°

My preference

45° 50° 15° 15° Neg rake 60/20, in the bin, 25° 45°
For Sale / Wanted / Re: Poolewood euro 2000 manual
« Last post by ldlukens on April 26, 2024, 07:20:29 PM »
Did you find a manual for the Euro 2000? I also have a lathe without a manual.
Tool tips & reviews / Nelson Chisels
« Last post by Grethron on April 26, 2024, 03:42:24 PM »
Hi everyone, not been on here for ages but just managed to set up my new lathe and was wondering if you could help.

Wife bought me a set of Nielsen gouges as a present but I can't seem to find a guide on sharpening angles/jigs or the like. They're not the same angles or shape as others on the market so wanted to know if you guys had any ideas?

I'll add a link so you can see what I'm on about.

Cheers, Gav.
For Sale / Wanted / Jet 1442 Lathe and accessories. NOW SOLD
« Last post by Kate Dawkins on April 20, 2024, 03:53:23 PM »
I am selling my Jet 1442 lathe along with a job lot of accessories and tools. I don’t have an ebay account, so my husband has posted it for me.

Check out the link if you are interested or feel free to ask questions on here.
General Discussion / Re: Advise re Dust Extraction
« Last post by Bill21 on April 20, 2024, 02:59:00 PM »
I’ve got an AC400. As I extract dust with a shop vac next to the lathe, I mounted the AC400 above me so that it blows clean air past my head. The controls are therefore easily reached. Just as well as the remote stopped working outside of the warranty.  ::)
General Discussion / Re: Advise re Dust Extraction
« Last post by Twisted Trees on April 18, 2024, 11:34:36 PM »
if you do get the AC400, the remote control has a fairly short range and needs to be pointed directly at the sensor, I had to re-think where to hang the machine

I use the Jet slightly bigger version air filter basically works the same way but the intake is obviously the end I want towards my work area and the remote works to the other end.

To solve this I bought an infra red repeater, now I can turn it on and off from the lathe,  not this one I have had it years but this sort of thing...
General Discussion / Re: Advise re Dust Extraction
« Last post by Richard_C on April 18, 2024, 10:03:30 PM »
I can't comment on the Camvac but I do have the AC400* hung up from the ceiling (double garage, half is my 'workshop).  The filter is no substuite for good extratction but does seem to keep the place cleaner.  It has a timeswitch function so I often leave it running for a while after doing anything.  It must be doing something - the filter gets dirty :).

I suppose the real test is to ask myself "If it packed up, would I replece it with another one?".  Yes in this case.

One thing  I have noticed, if you watch any you tube or similar videos, no 2 turners seem to have exactly the same set up, which suggests that there are many ways to deal with the problem and perhaps none are perfect.  After all, if there was a clear winner we would all be using it.

if you do get the AC400, the remote control has a fairly short range and needs to be pointed directly at the sensor, I had to re-think where to hang the machine
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