Author Topic: How Many Hours Turning Do You Do  (Read 5993 times)

Offline SalineMan

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Re: How Many Hours Turning Do You Do
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2014, 12:17:21 PM »
I can spend up to 3 - 5 hours a day in the workshop I'm in and out all day depending how I feel. This is not my living and unfortunately do not work through ill health.

 Not all that time is turning as I also enjoy other forms of woodworking like making wooden toys and carving which I am only just getting the hang of (not that it is much good).  

Know what you mean Derek. Ill health means I can't work either. I started the hobby because anything bigger, like making a wardrobe, or chair etc. would take so long I would get frustated and leave it there. With turning I can get near instant gratification!! I suffer from ME/CFS, which means energy is at a premium, unfortunatly I am finding turning so addictive, I do much more than I should and pay the price the following day!!!! Wouldn't have it anyother way though!!

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