Author Topic: AWGB International Seminar  (Read 67769 times)


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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #135 on: November 02, 2015, 10:03:57 PM »
it seemed more than that sorry
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Offline Paul Hannaby

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #136 on: November 02, 2015, 11:54:30 PM »
Paul, just out of interest are you a member of the AWGB and/or a turning club?
No. My work makes trying to attend any sort regular meeting almost impossible.

AWGB membership doesn't require attendance of any meetings or membership of a club.

Offline Roger Groom

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #137 on: November 08, 2015, 11:18:22 AM »
I think what John is saying is that (compared with the other 737 members) 28 posts in 4months is "very active" on this forum and may I also say seemingly very anti AWGB!
Roger Groom


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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #138 on: November 08, 2015, 12:24:56 PM »
very anti AWGB!
Not at all. It's all been constructive comments to try to avoid the AWGB losing another "significant amount" in future.

It's the people that haven't bothered to help that should be branded "anti"

Offline John D Smith

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #139 on: November 08, 2015, 01:35:26 PM »
 Hi Roger thank you for your support yes I think he is Anti Awgb :)

 PaulH if you are so worried about the AWGB loosing money cough up your £18 and join

                                        Regards John

John Smith

Offline turningal

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #140 on: November 12, 2015, 11:55:47 AM »
Firstly hands up, I've never been to a seminar, reasons being time of year (have to take my holidays in school holidays), other commitments, I'm an avid cricket fan and this is Test Match time, and justifying costs (£40 - £80 for a day of international cricket before anybody asks). You may even guess who I am by now, if not here's another clue, I've been involved in running a successful turning club for 14 years.
Long ago, when I first spoke to wood turners, I got the impression that the AWGB and RPT were elitist organisations, rightly or wrongly that's the impression I got. Our club was a member of the now defunct Northern Federation, and believe me the members that I met at their meetings only re-inforced the elitist impression, especially as the AWGB at that time was 'down south'.
Well we only have one pro organisation now, so you have little choice, the AWGB have the monopoly. I am a hobby turner and our club is predominantly hobby turners, we have 45 members and as far as I'm aware only 1 member earns his living working wood. So how do we get rid of the elitist impression?
I have no silver bullet, but maybe, just maybe if the AWGB organised a local event which included a number of clubs that might be a start. You see I think the idea of a grand seminar every 2 years does little to dispel this elitist tag, for the common man, which is how I would describe myself.
Our members ask themselves the question, 'Would our club fail if it were not for the AWGB?' they think the answer is no, we might have to go elsewhere for our insurance but our club would carry on as long as we support it and our committee give us what we want at a reasonable cost. Our club has gone from a 'hand to mouth' existence to being comfortably off as far as finance is concerned but we are more than money, we are a club.
So if the AWGB is serious about changing the format and wants the members opinion then they have to 'get out there' and ask, as our members money was 'lost' in the seminar, I hope that's what the AWGB does.
By the way, I think the number of issues of Revolutions could be cut, why not just send a proportionate number of copies to clubs, I for one don't need my own personal copy.

Offline The Bowler Hatted Turner

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #141 on: November 12, 2015, 12:46:45 PM »
The AWGB is not all about cluns. It is an organisation made up of individual members hence every member gets a copy of Revolutions. There are still individual members who are not members of any club so they have to be catered for too. As far as being elitist, that is an impression formed by woodturners about woodturners and no amount of northern based events will change that attitude.
        As far as the AWGB getting out there as you say our reps are out there visiting clubs and branches on request and attending such shows that they are able to attend, what more would you have them do?

Offline Mark Hancock

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #142 on: November 12, 2015, 01:03:34 PM »
The idea that the AWGB is an elitist organisation I find quite bizarre. And how can it be the "one pro organisation" with the majority of members being hobbyists???? I would suggest some do a little more digging and research before making such comments rather than believing everything they have been told as the absolute truth.

Offline Mark Sanger

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #143 on: November 12, 2015, 02:00:39 PM »
Also found it strange how the AWGB could be called elitist especially as it is open to any turners, no matter how long they have been turning and without any entry criteria. What is elitist about that ? :-\

Offline fuzzyturns

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #144 on: November 12, 2015, 04:25:17 PM »
There's always three sides to every story (yours. mine, and the plain, cold truth), and people will believe what they want to believe. More often than not their beliefs make them feel comfortable, and the discomfort created by disrupting their beliefs is enough to make them turn away and ignore the plain cold truth. We all do it, all the time (me included).
For whatever reason, it appears that this particular club has turned (or is about to turn) its back, and nothing short of a dedicated, concerted effort will change that.

Having said this, I do think that the idea of regional small scale events is possibly a good one. I do remember that from one of two clubs I am a member of, I was the only person attending the seminar. And I believe the main reason was that the other folks all couldn't afford it (or didn't want to spend that much). A regional event, maybe over one day only, with one or two nationally known turners, no overnight accommodation required, catering reduced to lunch only, could be put on for much less outlay, and could therefore be much more affordable to the average wood turner, many of whom are OAP.

P.S.: I also find the idea of the AWGB being elitist quite bizarre. Wonder where that was born?

Offline turningal

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #145 on: November 12, 2015, 05:34:47 PM »
Well thanks for your comments, I am well aware that individual members have to be catered for, that was not the point. The AWGB wanted suggestions as to why not many folk attended the seminar. I have spoken to a few turners over the years and they expressed the feeling of elitism which came from the attitude of some AWGB and RPT members. Its not the fact thats its open to all its the fact that some folk reckon they are better than others. The club isnt turning its back on anything, dismiss my suggegestions if you like, after all you know best.

Offline turningal

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #146 on: November 12, 2015, 06:08:11 PM »
Oh my apologies to Mark Hancock for using the preface 'pro '  I''m sorry that seemed to cause offence, I should have said One National Organisation.

Offline Graham

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #147 on: November 12, 2015, 07:21:52 PM »
'I am sorry you feel that way about the AWGB, we will take those feelings on board and try to address them'

May I suggest that that should be the proper response to someone offering suggestions as to why the seminar lost money rather than jumping on them for saying something we don't like ? People feel what they feel, it is irrelevant whether there is any foundation or not.

I agree that some regional smaller events would be a good thing but AS WELL AS, not INSTEAD OF the 3 day seminar.
I have learnt the first rule of woodturning.
The internal diameter should never exceed the external width.
Nor the internal depth, the external height.
Does that make me an expert now ?

Offline edbanger

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #148 on: November 12, 2015, 08:17:08 PM »
Just reading some of these comments I have to say that I don't agree with the criticism.

I started woodturning just about 2 years ago I joined the AWGB. I joined a woodturning club that as nothing to do with the AWGB.

But I have found the AWGB more than helpful & friendly, I went along to the seminar with my wife (who is not a woodturner) and we were made to feel most welcome.


Offline John D Smith

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #149 on: November 12, 2015, 09:17:15 PM »

In my lifetime I have belonged to various organizations and I can honestly say since I took up Woodturning some 20 years ago I have never met such a

great bunch of people who will share their knowledge with any one who asks and most will say come over to my place one day and I will help you

with your problem there seem to be this thing with some people who sit in the back ground and don't get involved think all the rest are elitist I can

assure those who think that couldn't be further from the truth.

                                                 Regards John 
John Smith