Author Topic: making your own ABS pen blanks  (Read 2800 times)


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making your own ABS pen blanks
« on: April 28, 2012, 02:37:23 PM »
I have a random and wandering thought which I would like to share with you all.

When I was a bit younger I used to restore old 1980's motorcycles.  I would still do it now but with me working overseas the time at home is precious.  I can produce something in the shed on my lathe in a matter of hours but to restore a bike to the standard I like literally takes months and the cost is now prohibitive.

Anyway, as part of the restoration process I used to repair ABS plastics on the fairings and other plastic parts as opposed to the GRP which is used on modern bikes.  The principles involved in this could, I suppose, be translated to the turning world.

It is very easy to do and very cheap - which is what I like.

Find some ABS, either old drain pipes or my favourite LEGO (which has the advantage of being coloured - Also 10kg of it on ebay for less than a tenner).  If you can wrestle it from your eight your old son (DAMHIKT) cut it up small with some tin snips and put into one of those cheap ketchup squirters which are normally found in Pound Shops.  This is a different plastic and unaffected by the process.

Next cover the ABS with Acetone.  I use 95% Acetone which you can buy online for not a lot.  Leave for a few hours to dissolve with the lid on (this is important or the acetone will evaporate and you are back to square one) then shake it up to ensure the ABS has dissolved evenly and pour into a mould.

Leave exposed to the air until it has set and there you have a block of ABS. 

I have yet to try this in the size and thickness required for pen blanks but it seems to be a cheaper alternative to the expensive acrylics I see for sale online.  I have no idea what its like to turn but when I am home next I will try it and let you all know.

The colour of the ABS may be a bit odd but it might be a good basis if you are going to use finishes or air brushing.

Watch this space.

Offline Bryan Milham

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Re: making your own ABS pen blanks
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2012, 04:05:31 PM »
Okay, you've got me. I'll be watching this with interest.

Noting that you 'Used' to do this you'll have an answer to this already - what about the Acetone fumes while it sets? Not nice at all.
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Re: making your own ABS pen blanks
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2012, 04:01:22 AM »
The acetone fumes are actually not too bad if you follow the usual rules of working in a well ventilated space (I actually like the smell of acetone) and MSDS (COSHH) paperwork is available online.  When I used to do the bike parts I only prepared what I needed so the amounts were relatively small.  However, my garage is quite well ventilated.

When I get home in June I will definitely try this and post pictures etc.  What size are pen blanks generally?  From the pictures I have seen they look about 1" square (25mm x 25mm).

This also has the added bonus that your wife can use the acetone to remove her nail varnish.

Offline Bryan Milham

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Re: making your own ABS pen blanks
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2012, 10:00:03 AM »

Pen Blanks tend to vary between 3/4" & 1" depending upon what sort of pen you are making.

Thinking about you melting down Lego and swirling it together reminded me that I had seen George Watkins' Blog with something he'd done. Not sure it's the same plastic, he calls it resin which I understand. Anyway, here's his Blog Page.

George is a member of the forum, so I hope he forgives me posting a link to his work.
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