Author Topic: A Challenge to all members  (Read 1094 times)

Offline PC

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A Challenge to all members
« on: April 18, 2020, 11:01:33 AM »
In March our club, the Wealden Woodturners, had a 'Hands-on' session with all members attempting to make a spinning top which spun longer than all others.  This has now developed into an annual event - mainly because Maggie Wright, our chairman, keeps winning and we were determined to beat her this year.  I am pleased to say that this we achieved and the winning team - John Turner and Gregg Collett managed a fantastic 3 minutes and 35 seconds
(see photo).

Much discussion took place on the design, background science and the intention to improve even further on the winning time.  The current lock-down has now given us the opportunity to encourage members to get down the shed and have another go. 

We then thought - why leave it there..........why not challenge all AWGB members to have a go and improve on that time.  Can you do better? give it a go.
A video of any successful spin would be preferable but, failing that, a witnessed spin will suffice or...........  we would, of course, accept any members word that they have succeeded.

I have attached a flyer which you may find suitable to encourage members in your newsletters.

Keep Safe
Peter Castle
Competition Secretary
Wealden Woodturners

Offline Paul Hannaby

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Re: A Challenge to all members
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2020, 05:19:33 PM »
I think if you are setting a challenge, you need to think up some rules such as are string pull tops allowed, what materials can be used and are there any size limits?

By the way, I think I have one from a previous competition that will beat Maggie's. I will have to find it and time it again to be sure!

Offline PC

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Re: A Challenge to all members
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2020, 07:18:53 PM »
Agreed Paul.  Let's keep it simple and constrain it to a simple top spun by one hand.  We could elaborate and tie it down to a hard-and-fast set of rules but that would complicate the issue and, no doubt, there would be loopholes.  Let us just restrict it to timber though as there were no alternatives available for the original competition (I have found corian to be very good - even density and a lot of weight can be retained at the periphery but let's stick to Mother Nature's bounty).

If you have a winner - I say bring it on, even at the risk of Maggie hitting me yet again.