Author Topic: Cord Pulls  (Read 771 times)

Offline Twisted Trees

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    • Twisted Trees
Cord Pulls
« on: May 14, 2020, 09:47:54 PM »
I had a request to quote today from a Scandinavian company for cord pulls, they are talking in terms of 200 to 500 which doesn't really interest me much, I am guessing they are looking for a non far east supply I just offered my usual individual rate with a small discount over 50. Which I am 99% certain will put them off and save me the boredom of doing a over 200 light pulls... but then I thought perhaps someone else would be more interested? If you are, PM me and I will pass on the contact details if they don't come back to me tomorrow on my price.

TT, AKA Pete, but that name is taken :-)