Author Topic: Restrictions for exhibitions  (Read 885 times)

Offline michaelb

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Restrictions for exhibitions
« on: September 05, 2020, 08:38:10 AM »
Have had a meeting regarding our clubs annual Christmas exhibition at the local Town hall which we hold to raise money for the Air Ambulance  . Restrictions as to what we would have to do make it impossible . Cant use the toilets, Have to man the staircase top and bottom with communications to ensure only one up and down, Lift out of bounds , Segregation of  Staff, possibility of fine for not ensuring public keep 2 meters apart all perfectly understandable in today's climate but virtually impossible for us to manage so unfortunately no exhibition.  The upside is a commitment for 3 one week exhibitions for May, August and November  2021 once regulations have been reduced.
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Offline bodrighywood

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Re: Restrictions for exhibitions
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2020, 09:47:20 AM »
We have a craft show in 2 weeks and it's a struggle to sort out how we display our work, allow people to pick things up (which we normally encourage) and so on. The show organisers are great in the overall organisation but what works for a jeweller won't work for a potter or a wood worker for exampe. Can't wipe things down in our case as it would remove the finish. Do we insist everyone wears gloves? If so we will need hundreds of pairs as they will have to be one use only. Need to wipe down the credit card machine each time it is used etc  etc etc.  We are outside on gazebos as we demonstrate so a bit easier than for those in the marquees but still a  lot to think through.

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Offline The Bowler Hatted Turner

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Re: Restrictions for exhibitions
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2020, 08:39:22 AM »
Pete rather than wipe the credit card machine after each use why not take some cling film with you? Just unroll a bit and place the keypad under it, then once used roll the used end up and unroll a new bit. Just an idea.People do like to handle goods as some buy by feel I am sure. Not sure if it is still in force but they did say that "handled" goods had to be put to one side for 72 hours. You would be much better off getting some hand sanitiser for customers and just asking them to wait until it has dried before handling goods.
Forgot to say I hope you have a really good show.

Offline Bill21

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Re: Restrictions for exhibitions
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2020, 11:17:30 AM »
I used contactless to pay for a burger the other week, first time I’ve done it! I didn’t ask for it but the facility came with my latest CC.

Offline bodrighywood

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Re: Restrictions for exhibitions
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2020, 12:55:51 PM »
Contactless is possible on the iZettle but only uip to (I thnk) £40 so ideal for that level of sales. One idea someone had was to have the machine in a ziploc bag with the insert slot towards the opening soyou could just wipe the baf=g afterwards. A lot depends on just how busy we are. In past shows we have ended up with to machones on the go at the same toinme and a queue though not really expecting that this year.
The 48 hour quarantine for handled goods is something that is pretty much ignored as being impractical in shops and to be honest if that were adhered to most exhibitors would have most of thir stock in quarantine after the first day. We have plenty of 'dry' hand wash and will give people the opportunity to have gloves if they prefer. We'll have to just see how it goes
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Offline michaelb

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Re: Restrictions for exhibitions
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2020, 10:19:12 PM »
Having checked as to what we should and and shouldn't do was one of the first thing we checked on should we have been give the go ahead for the exhibition the most important one was the importance of Hand sanitiser with 70% alcohol for each member of the public to use on entering and to ensure if the were wearing gloves to sanitise them or remove them and sanitise hands  or use one use disposable gloves . Chip and pin contactless is now  £45.00 you can wipe over your machine with Detol wipes after each use if required. Think about when you go shopping in the supermarket and what the do to comply .
The big advantage turners have is we all have face shields so no need to ware a mask as this is sufficent for protection for both the user and the customer .
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