Author Topic: show you mine if you'll show me yours  (Read 2047 times)

Offline BrianH

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show you mine if you'll show me yours
« on: July 22, 2012, 03:35:04 PM »
On another, quite separate, forum a huge swap event seems to have been organised, where woodies, totally unknown to each other, swapped a piece of work through the post. They seem to have done this through a central organiser drawing names out of a hat but, it seems to me, a similar thing could be achieved on a smaller scale if required.
So ...........
...Do members fancy doing something along those lines?
...Does someone out there want to pick up the idea and run with it on an equally grand scale?
Alternatively .....
...Do members fancy the idea but prefer to play while keeping it on a one-to-one basis?
I'm in for either alternative
Thoughts and suggestions invited

Offline Bryan Milham

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Re: show you mine if you'll show me yours
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2012, 06:52:30 PM »
I think we'ed need to know a little more about the rules and value of the items for exchange - but I could be tempted.
Oh Lord, Lead me not into temptation…

...Oh who am I kidding, follow me, I know a shortcut!


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Re: show you mine if you'll show me yours
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2012, 07:46:37 PM »
I think the concept is great, who wouldn't want to own a beautiful piece of turning. The problem arises when you end up with a piece which is inferior in quality or is just "another" bowl. The other thing is if you ended up with something which is absolutely hideous in your eyes but is a thing of beauty in the eyes of the maker, especially so if you have it in the house and SWMBO detests it. I would much rather see what I was going to end up with rather than "going blind". That said, I have seen some lovely bits in the forum gallery that I would dearly like to have. Perhaps when a piece is put on the gallery webpage some comment could be added that you would be happy to swap it or give it away, that happens to some extent now. If this did happen it would have to be under agreement that the AWGB can not be held responsible for what happens during these transactions taking place.
       I also wonder if there are tax implications here aswell. I wonder if this would be classified as barter? Or perhaps I am just thinking negatively.