Certificate in Woodturning


The Certificate in Woodturning course is designed to provide training which develops the basic woodturning skills necessary to become competent at woodturning.

The Certificate is aimed at candidates either with some woodturning experience, or those more experienced but with no formal training in woodturning. Therefore, the Certificate is primarily a training programme of the basic skills with assessment criteria.

The Qualification comprises :

  • Training units
  • Multiple choice question unit end tests
  • Practical assessment

Training Units

Unit C 101      Workshop Safe Working Practices

Unit C 102      Tools and Equipment – Maintenance

Unit C 103      Wood Technology

Unit C 104      Spindle Work

Unit C 105      Faceplate Work

Unit C 106      Finishing

The ‘Training and Assessment Logbook’ is issued to the candidate on the commencement of the course to record the training and assessment. When complete, the training and assessment log is verified by The Worshipful Company of Turners.

On successful completion, The Worshipful Company of Turners will award the…

‘Certificate in Woodturning’

Eight-day Certificate in Woodturning Course

Unit43 Hartlepool enterprise centre, TS24 8EY. Phone 07707-700338.
Lead Tutor Dennis Wake
Dates April 13 &14 2024 May 11 & 12 2024 June 22 & 23 2024 August 10 & 11 2024
Shawsburn Woodturning Studio, ML9 3RG
Lead Tutor Darren Crisp – Email
Dates September 7 & 8 2024 October 5 & 6 2024 November 2 & 3 2024 December 7 & 8 2024

Additional courses will be run shortly dates to be advised.

It is essential that candidates have some woodturning experience in both spindle and faceplate work before commencing the course. An additional induction day prior to the start of the course may be required.

The course is part-funded for AWGB members by the AWGB and the Worshipful Company of Turners. The candidate’s fee for attending the eight-day course is available from the training company.

For further details and application form please contact the Lead Tutor direct.